Easter Revision Courses

We offer revision courses for students preparing for exams in the third term:

The Easter revision course program is agreed directly with you, depending on:

  • what year you're in
  • which University you're studying at
  • the areas where you have particular difficulty or feel least confident

We contact your university directly to get information on the level they examine you at (i.e. how hard your exams are going to be!), the specific areas you have covered and the exam format. We then put together a course to cover the necessary elements.

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In addition, and to break up the slog, we arrange a cultural program with excursions (destinations to be agreed depending on where you want to go and whether or not you have been to Moscow before) and cultural elements (film, song, literature etc).

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While the content of the lessons will depend on your specific needs, you can expect a program along these lines:

Week 1

General needs assessment, exams focusVocabulary focus 1Grammar focus 2Grammar focus 3 Reading comprehension (+ cultural info)

Grammar focus 1Translation skillsLiterature revisionClassic Russian song (s)Vocabulary focus 2

Basic phrases to use in communication with host families.Excursion + language element (destination as agreed).Basic phrases to use in communication with host familiesExcursion + language element
(destination as agreed)
Russian film
Week 2

Vocabulary focus 3Day trip (destination as agreed )Translation skillsGrammar focus 4Revision

Russian pop musicLiterature revisionVocabulary focus 4Tests

Eating & Drinking: communication in real situations.Russian TVExcursion + language element (destination as agreed)Overview