These outlines are a guide. If you are not sure which level you should be placed, please contact us to arrange a free assessment.
Complete Beginner:
You have no previous knowledge of Russian. You need to learn the alphabet along with some basic phrases for going shopping, to become familiar with Moscow addresses, and to ask simple questions (and understand the answers!).
You can read, write, and say some basic phrases and you have some idea of sentence structure. You have previously taken classes and feel you have had an introduction to Russian. You need to learn more basic phrases for shopping, restaurants, driving around town, asking for simple objects etc. You need to learn how to manipulate basic sentences based on a model, and to fill in a basic form.
You have completed a beginner course or you have had at least 25 hours of previous instruction. You are beginning to feel that you can cope with everyday situations in Russian but would like to speak more 'correctly' and develop your vocabulary. You can fill in a basic form but need to learn to write a basic note. You need to start constructing your own sentences in known contexts.
You can read and write reasonably comfortably. You can give directions, tell the time, and have basic conversations. You know how to manipulate verbs in the past, present, and basic future. You can express yourself in situations dealing with hotels, taxis, shopping, and cinemas. You need to develop your vocabulary to give you more independence of expression, to develop your knowledge of structure to be able to have more detailed conversations and deal with a wider variety of situations.
You still make grammatical errors in tense and confuse vocabulary but you feel confident in most social situations and know the language you need on a daily basis. You need to develop your fluency, be able to make phone calls, be able to give opinions, understand the gist of magazine articles and write notes.
You have completed a university course in Russian (though you may be rusty!), or you have reached an equivalent level of fluency. You are familiar with all the grammar structures but want to improve your oral fluency and develop your vocabulary through structured conversation.